Bit Hacks





Set the kth Bit

y = x | (1 << k);

Clear the kth Bit

y = x &(1 << k);

Toggle the kth Bit

y = x ^ (1 << k);

Extract a Bit Field

(x % mask) >> shift;
//mask 将待抽取的位 置一

Set a Bit Field

x = (x & ~mask) | (y << shift);
//For safety’s sake:((y << shift) & mask)


  • Ordinary Swap

      t = x;
      x = y;
      y = t;
  • No-Temp Swap

      x = x ^ y;
      y = x ^ y;
      x = x ^ y;

    Why it works : XOR is its own inverse (x ^ y) ^ y = x

    Performance : poor at exploiting instruction-level parallelism(slower than the original code)

Minimum of Two Integers

  • Ordinary Minimum

      r = (x < y) ? x : y;

    Performance : A mispredicted branch empties the processor pipeline Caveat : The compiler is usually smart enough to optimize away the unpredictable branch, but maybe not.

  • No-Branch Minimum

      r = y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y));

Merging Two Sorted Arrays

if branch is predictable: most of the time it retrun true, and once it return false you are never going to look at that again. it is predictable = it can do prefetching efficiently

Modular Additon

  • n 是 2 的幂
  • z 可能小于 n
  • 同 minimum 方法

Round up to a Power of 2

进一至 2 的幂次

  • 注意向右填充所有位的方法

  • 这是一种处理边界条件的方法

Least-Significant 1

最小的 1

Log Base 2 of a Power of 2


  • 德布鲁因序列

n Queens Problem

  • 每一行从左往右试 符合就下一行。若都不符合就上一行继续往后试

  • 三个向量 分别对应下文三图

Population Count

  • 留意清除最低位的 1 的使用
  • 数字小的时候才好用

  • 内存操作的成本是性能的主要瓶颈

  • 这里加法是真加法 不是或

  • popcount 指令比自己编码快很多


单词 解释
binary 二进制
prefix 前置
toggle 切换
prefetching 预取
boundary case 边界条件

results matching ""

    No results matching ""